Place born
Organisation / Person
1660-1713, natural philosopher; scientific instrument maker, English

Hauksbee, Francis

1660 - 1713

1561-1626, philosopher; politician, English

Bacon, Francis

1561 - 1626

about 1450-about 1512, surgeon, publisher of book on surgery, born Strasbourg, German?

Brunschwig, Hieronymus von

1450 - 1512

1679-1710, chemist, German

Rothe, Gottfried

1679 - 1710

1533-1606, master pilot; cartographer, Dutch

Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon

1533 - 1606

1669-1734, 1st Baron King, Lord Chancellor, English

King, Peter

1669 - 1734

1576-1621, colonial governor, English

Carver, John

1576 - 1621

c. 1620-1684, physicist; plant physiologist; priest, French

Mariotte, Edmé

1620 - 1684

1538-1606, astronomical instrument and clock maker,

Habermel, Erasmus

1538 - 1606

1638-1715, King of France, known as the Sun King

Louis XIV

1638 - 1715

1634/5-1724, sundial maker; mathematical, optical & scientific instrument maker, England & Paris, France

Butterfield, Michael

1634 - 1724

1671-1744, clock maker; sundial maker, Austrian

Knittl, Franz Antoni

1671 - 1744

1629-1693, mathematician; astronomer; physicist, Dutch

Huygens, Christiaan

1629 - 1695

1693-1776, horologist and clock-maker, English

Harrison, John

1693 - 1776

1610-1672, master shipwright, British; English

Pett, Peter

1610 - 1672

1570-1647, shipwright; shipbuilder, English; British

Pett, the elder, Phineas

1570 - 1608

1513-1869, Royal Naval Dockyard, ship-building and repairs, River Thames, England, British

Deptford Royal Dockyard

1513 - 1869

1567-1984, dockyard, Chatham, Medway, Kent, England, British

Chatham Dockyard

1567 - 1984

1500-1558, monarch; Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Belgian

Charles V

1500 - 1558

1569-1662, Catholic priest; metallurgist, active in Bolivia, Spanish

Barba, Alvaro Alonso

1569 - 1662

1610-1688, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, English; British

Butler, James

1610 - 1688

1525-1606/8, mathematical & scientific instrument maker, France

Danfrie, Philippe

1525 - 1608

1600-1675, astronomer, Belgian

Langren, Michel Van

1600 - 1675

1547-1606, philologist, Flemish; Belgian

Lipsius, Justus

1547 - 1606

1618-1680, artist; portrait painter; art collector, German born, Dutch parentage, active England

Lely, Sir Peter

1618 - 1680

c.1545-1612, herbalist, English

Gerard, John

1545 - 1612

1614-1672, natural philosopher, British

Wilkins, John

1614 - 1672

1700-1770, clergyman; physicist, French

Nollet, Jean Antoine

1700 - 1770

Wilkins, John

1614 - 1672

Boyle, Robert

1627 - 1691

Boerhaave, Herman

1668 - 1738

Sheerness Dockyard

1665 - 1957

Hales, Stephen

1677 - 1761

Pettus, John

1613 - 1690

Rothe, Gottfried

1679 - 1710

Keith, George

1639 - 1716

Lister, Martin

1639 - 1712

Barba, Alvaro Alonso

1569 - 1662

Flamsteed, John

1646 - 1719

c. 1687-1722

Dallyson, Jane

1687 - 1722

1642-1717, physician; alchemist; statesman, German

Waitz, Jakob

1642 - 1717

1647-1706, philosopher, French

Bayle, Pierre

1647 - 1706

1685-1761, industrialist, Swedish

Alstromer, Jonas

1685 - 1761

1660-1742, physician, German

Hoffmann, Friedrich

1660 - 1742

c. 1500-1585, active from 1529 in Spain, clock maker; engineer, mathematician, of Cremona, Italian?

Torriano, Juanelo

1500 - 1585

1597-1679, cardinal; bishop, Italian

Barberini, Cardinal Francesco

1597 - 1679

1692-1780, writer, English; British

Lovett, Richard

1692 - 1780

1688-1768, geographer/cartographer, physicist & astronomer, French

L'Isle, Joseph Nicolas De

1688 - 1768

1660-1713, engraver; etcher, printmaker, German; Dutch

Schenk, Pieter

1660 - 1713

1638-1771, anatomist; botanist; physician, Dutch

Ruysch, Frederik

1638 - 1771